Post Secret - My Mental Image
The picture above stood out to me because the woman had such a kind face and because everybody's mental image of God is probably a little different. I'm surprised by how many people think he would look mean. I always think he looks very kind.
This picture also reminded me of when I was a little girl and thought that the Holy Ghost was a super tiny man who wore blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and cowboy boots. He had to be really small because he had to fit in my pocket so he could always be with me. At night I would imagine taking him out of my pocket and setting him on my nightstand next to my Raggedy Ann lamp so he could watch me all through the night. I'm not really sure why he wore cowboy boots and blue jeans instead of a robe like Jesus, but it made sense at the time. It's a mental image that I've never really been able to break.
I occasionally indulge in an image of God as a sassy fat black woman.
I think that is cool you imagined that Lori. I just imagined a white sheet that covered everything and could wrap around the whole earth. Not as creative as you i guess!
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