Conversation with a four year old
Me: "Who told you I was grown up?"
Riley: "Aunt Jan told me. She said you have a job and everything. And that you are old."
Me: "How old do you think I am?"
Riley: "Old."
Me: "Yes, I've been figuring out I'm a grown up."
Riley: "That means you have to move out of your room, and live in your own house, and get married."
Me: "Get married? Who do you think I should get married to?"
Riley: " I don't know, but you should also have a baby."
Me: "Wow, do you really think so?"
Riley: "Yes, that's what grown ups do.... Nanny, lets go jump on the tramp."
Me: "Okay."
You know you are a grown up when the four year olds start coming at you with marriage and children advice. Maybe it's time to get serious about this stuff.